These are some templates that could be used if there is a brain fog condition whenever you are writing or speaking about a study.

Sentences to describe a study (example)

Case-control studies

In this case-control study, XX cases [may add description here] were identified from [population] by [outcome measurement]. Their information of [exposure] was obtained/measured by [exposure measurement] and was compared to [nature of controls] of similar characteristics [matched by?]. 

Cohort studies 

In this cohort study of XX individuals [may add description of the cohort], [exposure] was obtained/reported at study baseline and participants were followed up for [outcome, measure] for XX years on average.

Clinical trials

In this XXX trial, XXX individuals [may add description] were assigned randomly into the intervention group, [describe], and the control group, [described]. [Outcome, measurement] were compared between two groups at 0, 3, 6, and 12 months after the study baseline. 

Sentences to describe results (example)

Clinical trial or cohort studies

Compared to [control or non-exposure group {add outcome numbers}], [exposure group, {add outcome numbers}] were found to have a higher/lower/similar risk of [outcome], with a [relative risk RR/OR/IRR/HR] of XXX [always include confidence intervals].

Case-control studies: comparing exposures between cases and controls

[Cases] were found more/less/not more or less likely to [exposure] compared to [controls], with a [relative risk/rate, mostly OR] of XXX [always include confidence intervals], [add exposure counts or proportions in cases and in controls].

Case-control studies in which ORs are used to compare outcomes between exposed and non-exposed. This is possible because OR can be interpreted both ways.

[Exposure] was found to be associated with a [higher/lower/similar] risk of [outcome] at an OR of XXX [always include confidence intervals]..

Sentences to appraise a report

When using results to support a point. Although [weaknesses], [strengths]

When using results to defy a point. Although [strengths], [weaknesses]

Although some potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, and smoking, were adjusted for statistically, interpretation of findings can be limited by the fact that those who had special therapy were preselected based on known or unknown factors that may contribute to the risk of [outcome].

Although the number of events were small and the results could be due to chance, this is the largest study to date in which XXX was investigated.

Extended discussion (if time allows)

Has the study excluded or not included populations that may cause problem in interpretation of the findings?


What is the exposure truly about and how is the exposure measured? 

What are the factors so far most likely to be linked to the exposure or the measurement of exposure? Are they the confounding factors?


What is the outcome truly about and how is the outcome measured? 

What are the factors so far most likely to be linked to the outcome or the measurement of outcome? Are they the confounding factors?

Are there any hidden concerns that are not mentioned in the presentation?